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All Higher Education Stories
Smaller Has Proven Bigger for Top Women’s College
Bennett College has established itself as the pre-eminent women’s college for those seeking mor…
Alcorn State University: Rich Tradition and Future Vision
Alcorn State University is celebrating 150 years of student-centered learning and excellence. N…
Diversity: Just a Social Good or Good for Business?
The presidents of HBCUs and others weigh in on why diversity, equity and inclusion in the workp…
FAMU: Turning Dreamers into Achievers
With a legacy of excellence, FAMU seeks to improve education today, partners with industry to p…
Listen Up, Speak Up
What a customer wants, a customer gets—and what people are asking of businesses now is safe, su…
Coppin State University: Storied Past. Bright Future.
CSU is an HBCU in Maryland that fosteres leadership, social responsibility, and economic develo…
How Industry Can Bust Through the Ivory Tower
For years, a loud and growing chorus of employers and students have demanded that higher ed ins…
Monmouth University Profile: An Intimate College Experience with Real-World Connections
Monmouth University is small enough to offer a personalized experience but strategic enough to …
Saint Xavier University: Historic University Shapes Diverse Leaders of Tomorrow
As Chicago’s first Catholic university, Saint Xavier University honors its Mercy heritage by em…
DeVry University: Innovation in high-tech education
DeVry has an ambitious goal of preparing students for the digital age like no other institution…
Ivory Tower Meets Office Building
Patrick Leahy, President of Monmouth University, is looking for ways academia and the business …
Women in Leadership: From Philanthropy to Institutional Transformation
The numbers are in. Women are graduating at higher levels than men, yet why are more males occu…
UCM: “Show Me” the Value
Missouri may be the “Show Me” state, but the UCM is “proof” that it’s possible to balance acade…
Northeastern Illinois University: Teaching Students to Embrace Diversity And Inclusion
Northeastern Illinois University views diversity and inclusion as a way of life. As students le…
Are institutions of Higher Learning Adapting Fast Enough?
Higher education is at a turning point as tech takes over every sector and the global landscape…
Apple Teams Up for HBCU Innovation and Learning Center
Apple and The Southern Company partnered to invest $25 million each to build the Propel Center,…